Monday, December 08, 2014

The Night of Undocumented Shopping

Steve Sailer writes of Ferguson:
Just as in the farcical 2013 trial of “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman, when the rule of law was finally applied to this tragedy, we found that the public had been relentlessly misled.

Months of egging on the mob in Ferguson, Missouri by the Obama Administration, the Democratic Party, and the national media in order to goose turnout in this month’s midterm elections have culminated in the Night of Undocumented Shopping.

CNN reported:

An entire row of businesses on West Florissant Avenue, a major thoroughfare, was engulfed in flames. … Many business owners will return to their shops to see their livelihoods in ruins. Looters broke into a beauty supply store and stole hair weaves and wigs, leaving the heads of mannequins strewn in the middle of the street.

In Ferguson, it’s time for reparations … to the shopkeepers.

And it’s past time for a National Media Day of Shame and Reflection on why they keep falling for frauds and fiascos.
Read more here.

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