Sunday, April 10, 2022

"We really are nothing more than a fancy banana republic!"

Andrea Widburg has an admittedly wild theory:
Obama's aiming to get back into the Oval Office.
My premise is that Obama fully understands that, if Biden is ousted immediately under the 25th Amendment, there are only idiots and incompetents to take his place. If it's not Kamala Harris, then it's Nancy Pelosi and, if not her, then Patrick Leahy, Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland... Obama knows none of these nonentities will secure the transformation he promised America. Instead, there are three steps to return Obama to the presidency:
1. Have the Democrat establishment remove Kamala Harris from office, whether through threats or bribes.
2. Have the Democrats declare that, because world instability (Ukraine, Putin, China) puts us at unprecedented risk, only a politically seasoned person can be vice president, with Obama graciously accepting that role.
3. Oust Biden using the 25th Amendment. And voilĂ ! President Obama (again). He can even have Stacey Abrams as his veep.
The 22nd Amendment does not bar Obama from regaining the presidency this way. It only stops him from being "elected to the office." The three steps above avoid an election.
And yes, I agree this sounds crazy, but events since 2020 show that we really are nothing more than a fancy banana republic.
Read more here:

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