Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The New York Times is deathly afraid of incurring Muslims’ wrath, but it has no fear of incurring the wrath of Jews or Christians!

Dennis Prager brings to our attention the choice of the New York Times to feature a column mocking God on the eve of Passover, on Good Friday.
The two titles of the piece (one in the print edition and one for the Times’ digital edition) will give you a good idea of the tenor of the piece: “Let’s pass over God” and “In this time of war, I propose we give up God.”
The Left understands that the only viable opposition to it consists of Orthodox Jews, traditional Catholics, evangelical Protestants, and traditional Mormons.
It is close to inconceivable that the New York Times would publish a column mocking Allah, Muhammad and the Quran during the month of Ramadan (or, for that matter, at any time of the year). It is now Ramadan, and the only articles I could find in the New York Times about the Muslim holy month are about food: “15 Recipes for Observing Ramadan,” and “Where Breaking the Ramadan Fast Includes Caribou,” an article about Muslims in Anchorage.
Why is there no New York Times piece mocking Allah or Islam? There are, after all, plenty of disaffected Muslims like Auslander, the disaffected Jew, who could write one. The answer is the New York Times is deathly afraid of incurring Muslims’ wrath, but it has no fear of incurring the wrath of Jews or Christians. For good reason.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/04/18/new-york-times-chooses-passover-and-easter-to-mock-god-and-the-bible/

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