Sunday, April 10, 2022

The great sovereignty reclamation movement is alive and flourishing!

An American Greatness writer believes there is a worldwide sovereignty reclamation movement.
Through our own internal deliberations and our own political processes, “we, the people” should decide the fate of our own nation-states. Recent or ongoing examples in Hungary, France, Ukraine, and Israel are instructive. For political actors paying attention here on the American homefront, there are clear and compelling lessons to take away.
The key lesson from Hungary: A proud nationhood is one that fights to secure its customs, folkways, and traditions from the overweening, heavy hand of the liberal imperium (here, the Brussels-based European Union).
The key lesson from France: The liberal imperium faces an existential threat. Aside from Germany, there is no more important EU nation than France. A more humble liberal imperium would acknowledge there is nothing wrong whatsoever with national pride.
The key lesson from Ukraine: The interdependent bonds of mutual loyalty that tie together a particular people, such as commonality of language, heritage, and general mannerisms, can lead to extraordinary things amidst the intense threat of revanchism.
The key lesson from Israel: A proud, self-governing people will only tolerate for so long a parliamentary (or congressional) coalition in which subversive fifth-column actors, perhaps in cahoots with external NGOs, wield veto power.
Looking back at the 2016 tidal wave of the United Kingdom’s dramatic “Brexit” and the dramatic election of President Donald Trump, and continuing through today, the great sovereignty reclamation movement is alive and thriving. For Americans who seek forward-looking inspiration, the lesson is simple: The nation-state, and the tangible flourishing of the nation-state’s people, must always come first. There is no more important lesson for a decadent, late-stage republic to imbibe.
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