Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Marxist who warns against Marxism!

Robert Spencer reports,
Pope Francis is famous for his tendency to shoot from the hip, which is unfortunate for someone whose every word is watched for significant and authoritative pronouncements. His bad habit was on full display Friday; in expressing sympathy with Ukrainians, the pope declared: “There is no such thing as a just war: they do not exist!” In that single sentence, the pontiff swept aside centuries of Catholic teaching and even undercut the ground for the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion. All in a day’s work for the Marxist who warns against Marxism.
The Catechism even goes on to note that “these are the traditional elements enumerated in what is called the ‘just war’ doctrine.” But now we hear from Pope Francis that “there is no such thing as a just war.” The pope also said that “In the context caused by the war in Ukraine,” it was all the more important to promote the idea “universal brotherhood in the one human family, based on love.” That’s great, but sometimes the aggressor must be repelled, as the Ukrainians are trying to do, and the pope has just cut the theological ground out from under them, at least as far as Ukrainian Catholics are concerned.
This is as irresponsible and destructive as the pope’s dalliances with Marxism. If he is really upset about the war in Ukraine, he should be affirming the relevance of the just war doctrine, not undercutting it. He is an unserious individual in an age of frivolous and short-sighted leaders.
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