Tuesday, March 08, 2022

In the name of stopping Russia, America will also become increasingly dependent on Russia.

Daniel Greenfield writes,. . . After running through the farce of looking for oil in Iran and Venezuela, and any other terror state that has any for sale, the Biden [junta] will double down on green energy. We will be told that the Ukraine crisis is more evidence that we need to invest all our money into windmills and solar panels. Even though the entire crisis only happened because the Europeans decided to invest in wind and solar which made them dependent on Russia and Ukraine.
In the name of stopping Russia, America will also become increasingly dependent on Russia.
Tethering America's energy market to unstable players like Russia and Ukraine, or Iran and Venezuela, or Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world, forces us into bad binary choices like war or appeasement. Instead of breaking the cycle of dependency by embracing the potential of our own oil, gas, nuclear, and future energy capabilities, we're trapped in the same dead end maze.
The green energy investors who fund the Democrats win and so do America's enemies.
Biden isn't trying to stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine, he is trying to stop America's economy while deftly avoiding the blame for the economic misery resulting from his domestic policies.
Read more here: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/left-isnt-letting-ukraine-crisis-go-waste-daniel-greenfield/

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