Thursday, February 10, 2022

"We face the extinction of a civilization built on liberty, freedom, and equality."

Janet Levy refers us to a book written by Kenneth Abramowitz entitled, The Multifront War: Defending America from Political Islam, China, Russia, Pandemics and Racial Strife.
According to Abramowitz, the chief enemies within are the Reds, the Greens, and the Blues. Together, they fight against the Yellows, representing the sunlight of Western civilization, founded on the 3,800-year-old Judeo-Christian traditions and the 250-year-old tradition of secular, constitutional law. The Reds are the communists -- China, Russia, North Korea, and the American Left. The Greens are the Islamists -- Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, and hundreds of Islamist groups around the world. The Blues, named for the color of the United Nations, are the globalists -- the WHO, the International Criminal Court, NGOs, and multinational corporations like Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Sacrificing American values, they have adopted Chinese morality to pursue profit in the huge market that is communist China.
Abramowitz identifies a fourth, passive enemy -- the Whites (named for the flag of surrender). He also calls them the isolationists, average citizens who live their lives and do their jobs but do not engage with the issues du jour, believing they are immune to political winds and potential threats. They unwittingly aid and abet the Reds, Greens, and Blues.
The Reds, the Greens, and the Blues have infiltrated Western societies and gained substantial influence and control over politicians, institutions, the media, and Big Tech. Abramowitz says they operate in six arenas -- physical, cultural, economic, demographic, legal, and cyber.
Physical warfare, although kinetic, does not always involve combat. It includes the stealthy use of biological and chemical weapons – for example, pathogens such as anthrax and the coronavirus, and addictive substances like the opioid fentanyl, whose trafficking into the U.S. from Mexico resulted in 100,000 American deaths last year.
Cultural warfare constitutes the framing of narratives that engender fear and doubt and destroy societal norms. Some of these narratives aim to suppress certain kinds of speech while redefining, neutralizing, and weaponizing other kinds -- like in ‘newspeak’ from Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Such narratives are propagated by a growing army of operatives in academia, the media, the educational system, and organizations such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Academia -- chiefly leftist humanities departments in universities -- has been most effective in recruiting and training that army by indoctrinating impressionable young students with Critical Race Theory (CRT), the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) paradigm, and fallacious theories of gender fluidity. Hypnotized by vague but thrilling theories, their youthful idealism hijacked by specious arguments, they begin to nurse messianic notions. On graduating, they eagerly join in the revision of national history and the calumniation of religious and ethical principles.
On the economic front, policies such as ESG (Environment, Social Justice, and Good Governance) and the Green New Deal are clear assaults on the nation’s prosperity. Many American corporations have hypocritically been promoting these policies, constricting economic activity at home while advancing business in China, the world’s biggest polluter. Championing social justice at home, they ignore China’s atrocities on the Tibetans, Hongkongers, Uighurs, and Falun Gong. Paying lip service to good governance in the U.S., they support and kowtow to authoritarian China.
Demographic warfare is most evident on our porous southern border. But it’s being waged from many directions and is a massive threat to national security. Last year alone, two million people -- from Haiti, Chile, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries of terrorist concern – breached the U.S. illegally. The campaign for “abortion rights” is also a part of the plan for demographic disruption. If abortion seems reasonable, you might disabuse yourself of the idea with this statistic: in 2021, abortion was the leading cause of death globally (43 million), more than from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, traffic accidents combined.
Lawfare -- or the legal fight against Western civilization -- is evidenced by the plethora of lawsuits against First Amendment rights. Corporations are coerced into having ‘diverse’ boards and workforces at the cost of competence and excellence. University professors are fired, censured, or canceled for ‘wrongthink.’ Businesses face lawsuits for refusing to provide services that run against their owners’ religious beliefs. During the COVID pandemic, the executive branch usurped individuals’ and states’ rights through many federal mandates. Municipalities and local governments imposed arbitrary standards of operation for businesses and schools.
On the cyber front, the U.S. has faced security breaches by China, North Korea, Russia, and others. During the 2020 presidential elections, malfeasance of internal and external origin was suspected. Concerns about data exfiltration and network disruption loom large. Chinese hackers have targeted news organizations and may have recently breached News Corp and stolen data on journalists and other employees. North Korean agents have targeted U.S. critical infrastructure, including defense contractors. In 2014, its agents infiltrated Sony Pictures and leaked confidential employee data to prevent the release of a film on the assassination of Kim Jong-un. A recent study by Microsoft found that the vast majority of cyberattacks are by Russian intelligence gatherers.
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