Friday, February 18, 2022

"Trudeau will go even harder in the totalitarian direction, all the while proclaiming it is one effort to "save Canadian democracy!"

Sundance writes,
What we are witnessing in Canada is not only an outcome of a severely ideological tribe of leftists; the worst part of what we are forced to witness is an outcome of conservative politicians with ZERO skills at fighting back against it.
The Conservative Party of Canada is a weak, ineffective, useless and scared political apparatus.
They are cowards, because they really do not believe their own message.
They are so afraid of the Alinsky linguistics, they expend all of their energy trying to avoid labels. As a result of their all-consuming politically correct avoidance efforts, they have no other skills to fight.
...Liberty, freedom and self-determination depends on believing in your message.
Donald Trump believes in it, that’s why DC hates him. The Brexiteers in the U.K believe in it, that’s why the British Parliament hate them. Ultimately the Canadian truckers believe in it, and that is exactly why the leftist political class in Ottawa hate them.
They won’t just stop with debanking, that’s too immediate. Now comes the longer-term issue of controlling communication to ensure the uprisings never happen again.
Prime Minister Trudeau will demand more control mechanisms, more censorship, more deplatforming of his opposition, more silencing of voices, more demonetization of content platforms by the government’s corporate allies. He will go even harder in the totalitarian direction, all the while proclaiming it is one effort to “save Canadian democracy”.
Candidate Donald J. Trump knew the Republican Party was incapable of succeeding, because they did not fight for what they claimed to believe.
So, Trump started to fight for GOP issues; visibly fight against the ideological left with common sense promises, policies and brutally obvious solutions. We all saw the response from the professionally Republican class in their rebuke of Trump’s style of fight, which I must emphasize was the only effective approach to destroying the political left in the past three decades.
Conversely, leftists in Canada and Democrats in the U.S. do believe their message; even when that message is fundamentally toxic to the survival of their nations.
Read more here:

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