Thursday, February 03, 2022

Oswald alone? No! Justice for Dorothy Kilgallen!

Mark Shaw reports,
More than 10,000 people attended Dorothy Kilgallen's funeral. She had launched an eighteen month investigation of the JFK assassination. When she died, the F.B.I.swarmed in and took all her valuables. None of her family has stood up to demand justice or an investigation of her death, which was attributed to alcohol and three different barbituates.
One week after the JFK assassination Dorothy wrote a column urging the authorities not to close the investigation. She interviewed Jack Ruby twice.
J.Edgar Hoover let it be known that he was upset with Kilgallen's reporting on the JFK assassination. She recommended Hoover to look into the facts she had uncovered, rather than examining how she had uncovered the facts. She also called the Warren Commission's findings "laughable."
Dorothy told her hairdresser Mark Sinclair a few weeks before she died that she was "scared for her life." She knew the target was on her back. She connected New Orleans mobster Marcelo to Ruby and Oswald.
At Ruby's trial a witness told the court that Ruby was looking at the Book Depository building when JFK was killed, inplying that Ruby knew about the shooting ahead of time.

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