Saturday, February 19, 2022

Biden administration dumps 1000 Afghan refugees next to Loudon County high school!

One of the places where parents have stood up against the teachings of critical race theory is Loudon County, Virginia. Luke osiak reports,
The Department of Homeland Security will house up to 1,000 Afghan refugees in an compound next to a Loudoun County high school and middle school, and made plans to do so with no communication with local authorities, Loudoun County, Virginia, Sheriff Mike Chapman said.
The sheriff “raised concerns about DHS’ lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers, a failure to communicate with a myriad of potential stakeholders, and the NCC’s [National Conference Center’s] unfenced proximity to a residential neighborhood and two public schools.” The federal government claims that “many” of the Afghans served the U.S. as translators, but only 30% speak English, Chapman said in a statement.
Read more here, icluding several incidents of sexual abuse committed by Afghan refugees:

1 comment:

  1. W Wilson12:50 PM

    What could go wrong , I'm afraid that if something happens to my children , there would be a massacre.
