Saturday, January 22, 2022

What is a woman?

Megan Fox tells us that Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh asked that question on the Dr. Phil show recently.
Destroying the narrative that men can identify as women and actually become women, Walsh put one very simple question to the opposing debaters who outnumbered him three to one. “What is a woman?”
Walsh had no problem defining what a woman is when asked. “An adult human female,” he said. “When you’re a female it goes right down to your bones, your DNA. So that’s why if someone dies, we can dig up their bones 100 years from now and we have no idea what they believed in their head but we can tell what sex they were because it’s ingrained in every fiber of their being.”
Then Walsh dropped the bomb from which these panelists will never recover. “What you want to do is appropriate womanhood and turn it into basically a costume that can be worn.” That was straight fire. As a woman, I’m offended when a man puts on a dress and pretends to know what my struggles have been as a biological woman. The hell you do. A woman is biology. It is experience. It is not a costume. And any man attempting to put on that experience without having lived it is appropriating my sex. We are told that cultural appropriation is wrong and racist. Appropriating the appearance of a woman and then gaslighting other women to accept you as one of them is sexist. Get out of here with that. Stop trying to take over women-only spaces. We need protection and safety from men. We need places to go where no men are allowed. Our girls need their sporting events to be segregated for their safety and fairness. Enough of this madness already!
Read more here and watch video:

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