Sunday, January 30, 2022

"Everyone who took the jab is taking part in a trial."

Ray DiLorenzo writes,
Everyone who took the jab is taking part in a trial. Billions of people who trusted the medical profession are now lab rats with scientists waiting for the results. Where those vaccinated people will be in a year, 5 years, 10 years, no one knows. All for a disease with a better than 99% chance of survival with therapeutics we already have.
It has now been shown by scientists and doctors that the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous. It degrades and suppresses the immune system and can actually exacerbate any medical condition the recipient may have, cancer, heart disease, vascular disease, etc. In other words, the vaccines are designed to hide while bringing out any weakness in the host so as not to blame the vaccine.
There are many eminent scientists, doctors, scientific writers, and religious leaders, who have studied the results of the vaccine and the vaccine itself. They now believe they can show that the vaccines are a bio-weapon, that life-saving treatments were deliberately withheld, that doctors, nurses, medical experts, scientists, and journalists were censored, that Fauci and others took advantage of a trusting President Trump and a manipulated, senile President Biden. All to further a massive societal change scheme to get us ready for The Great Reset.
Facebook, Twitter and others gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the Democrat Party to defeat Trump, censor opposition, and push an ineffective, immune degrading, gene altering, COVID vaccine.
Read more here:

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