Tuesday, December 07, 2021

80 years later...Where are we now?

JJ Sefton speaks out on the state of America on this 80 year December 7 anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
What happened there that day, as well as the declaration of war by Germany against the United States changed the course of history and brought us to where we are today. It is bitterly ironic that in the wake of our absolute military victory and emergence as the preeminent global superpower, the evil that we overcame did not disappear, but re-emerged in only a slightly different form and spent the ensuing eight decades sowing the seeds of our self-destruction from within. No doubt, the Soviets and the Chi-Coms each played and continue to play a crucial role in fomenting the cancer that Lincoln nearly 100 years earlier prophetically warned, If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
Little wonder then that the neo-Cultural Revolutionaries are aiming to erase Lincoln with equal if not more zeal than Robert E. Lee or even the Confederate flag. The logic is simple, if not completely insane. Since America was not only never perfect but evil and illegitimate from the outset, nothing that anyone did to redress its greatest flaw, slavery, really mattered. Not the founders who laid the legal foundation for its abolition in 1789, nor the 700,000 sacrificed in a civil war to end it, nor anything anyone has ever done since then to try to live up to the ideals of liberty and justice for all. Therefore, even Abe Lincoln is to be removed from history.
Frankly, I think the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians and every other bad actor out there are wasting their money. People (allegedly) like Rustoleum-hair Nikole Hannah-Jones, Ibram X. Krement, Titty Caca AOC, Nazi collaborator George Soros and the litany of other sick, deranged fiends will be our undoing, aided and abetted by the DC junta so long as they get their $28 trillion pieces of silver.
Assuming we even survive the next three years without any major shifts in the geopolitical map as it stands today, our government and far too many institutions outside of it are so horribly corrupted that even if a Trump, DeSantis or other outsider were to win the White House and the Democrats lost control of one or both chambers of Congress, what real good would it do? And the national rift between American and anti-American citizens will still be there.
With all due respect to all those who fought and perished between 1941 and 1945, the challenge facing us here and now is perhaps even more perilous. And for sure, the situation is still very much in doubt.
Read more here: https://cutjibnewsletter.com/2021/12/07/the-morning-report-12-7-21/

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