Wednesday, November 17, 2021

We seem to have switched places!

Tom Servo tweeted,
We on the right have been on a century long Love Affair with expanding Government Power by allowing Law Enforcement to do whatever they want to do. We are all slowly waking up to the fact that this has been a huge mistake on our part, perhaps one of the biggest mistakes we've made. (although giving up the Education Establishment might be even bigger)
Oregon Muse writes this morning,
A lot of this is our fault. Because back in the day, our parents watched news footage of hippies throwing rocks at buildings and Black Panthers walking up and down carrying weapons and thought "oh no, we can't have this" and voted for every "law and order" bill that was placed before them. Pansy-ass liberal judges who let dangerous felons walk also contributed to this reaction. This resulted in longer prison sentences and mandatory prison sentences, and "three strikes" laws. And created a new breed of hyper-aggressive prosecutor who will go to any length to put somebody behind bars
Put another way, we played a big role in creating the weapons the left is now using against us.
We didn't notice that these new measures were giving more and more power to government officials along increasing danger of potential abuse. We also should have heeding the warnings about the PATRIOT Act, but 9/11 was still a raw memory and we were in no mood to listen to objections. We never thought that someone would ever say "Terrorists, you say? Hey, then this would apply to domestic terrorists, too, wouldn't it?"
No, I haven't forgotten the War on Drugs. It's very much like the War on Terror: ill-conceived, never-ending, expensive, and ultimately futile.
Time was that the right was all about law and order and the left about civil rights. It's funny how we seemed to have switched places.
Read more here:

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