Saturday, November 13, 2021

Rittenhouse closing arguments Monday

Ace of Spades on the Rittenhouse trial:
The court ends its day. Closing arguments Monday and the case goes to the jury. I didn't listen closely to jury instructions, but based on what I did hear from the Rekieta crew, it was a very dark day, with the judge constantly rolling over for the prosecution and agreeing to a set of instructions that is almost guaranteed to send Kyle Rittenhouse to jail for a long time, if not for his entire life.
People laugh at the media for getting things wrong. But they get things wrong intentionally -- for example, to pressure a judge to start "getting things right" from their perspective. The trial is supposed to come out guilty and they won't tell people why it might not come out guilty so if it comes out not guilty there will be riots, and it must be the judge's fault there were riots. And weak men roll over for the media's battlespace preparation, not wanting to be snubbed in their social circles for causing antifa and BLM to so-understandably commit First Amendment arson and so-peacefully riot.

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