Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Is a second Trump term needed in order to correct the mistakes of the first?

David Solway writes that a second Trump term might be needed in order to correct the mistakes of the first What were his major mistakes?
First, it appears in retrospect that he did not recognize how deep the Deep State was and how fetid and vast the political swamp. To his credit, he made a heroic effort to “drain the swamp” but managed only to filter out the surface scum. His adversaries were legion and merciless.
But one wonders if Trump had acted more decisively, had used the instrument of Executive Action more effectively, had been more suspicious of his putative allies and less concerned with legislative decorum, had fully realized that the Left was not a political consortium or Party but a dedicated enemy more dangerous to the integrity of the nation than North Korea, Iran and Communist China put together, and had acted as Lincoln did in a time no less fraught than the present — one wonders if the outcome might have been different.
Perhaps this was too much to expect of a single individual, especially a president who had almost every news outlet, digital platform, congressional majority, administrative cohort, woke mob and federal agency poised to overthrow him.
Secondly, Trump was the prime mover of Operation Warp Speed, a project to produce and rush the COVID-19 vaccines to market in record time. “That means big and it means fast,” Trump said, “A massive scientific and industrial, logistic endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project.” The issue is obviously complicated, involving internal disputes, competing claims for credit, persistent backbiting, the facepalming of the president by his own people, and the dubious input from medical personnel (also members of the swamp), but Trump fully believed, no doubt spurred by medical counsel from his own trusted specialists, that Big Pharma was the answer to the pandemic. Trump did, in fact, suggest the effectiveness of a therapeutic drug like Hydroxychloroquine, but unwisely relented after a disingenuous and adverse media and medical barrage against its use.
The dilemma and confusion we are experiencing today, the mask mandates and lockdowns, the conflicting results from the vaccines, the breakthroughs and variants, the collapse of the economy, the institution of vaxxports, and the profound and destabilizing divisions among the public are owing at least in part to Trump’s untutored enthusiasm for a solution that is clearly problematic and that has polarized an entire country. Again, Trump was not wholly at fault for the debacle. His intentions were good, he was often misadvised by those he trusted, and he certainly did not have the leisure for independent research or consultation with the best and most reputable epidemiologists in the collegiate forum. Nevertheless, it was a failure of perception and a lapse of due diligence to which we conceivably owe the traumatic situation in which we now find ourselves.
As every honest bio-specialist knows, it is inadvisable, indeed, it is arguably dangerous, to “warp speed” a vaccine, especially one that relies, in its current targeted application, on an unprecedented form of gene therapy. Reliable vaccines require five to twelve years of longitudinal trials and mRNA vaccines are not really vaccines in the usual sense of the term but genetic delivery systems. Trump should have known this — or at least, might have been aware of the devil in the details had he not placed his confidence in medical bureaucrats like Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. Suspicion, not trust, was the proper attitude to adopt, despite the sense of overwhelming crisis.
In any event, one may hope for Trump’s return to the presidential sweepstakes in 2024, battle tested-and-hardened, with a better knowledge of the political snake pit, less prone to give credence to questionable advisors, ready to take arms against a fraudulent media apparatus, indifferent to the seductions of a glitzy presidential curatorship, and willing to assume a Lincolnesque determination to fight the country’s domestic enemies tooth and nail. It’s a tall order, but a second term is needed to correct the mistakes of the first.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/david-solway-2/2021/11/22/where-trump-went-wrong-n1535547

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