Friday, November 12, 2021

"If a baby is human enough to be sold for body parts for experimentation, he or she is human enough to be protected by law."

Remember David Daileden? He writes,
I started the Center for Medical Progress as a nonprofit investigative reporting and citizen journalism organization to monitor and report on bioethical issues that impact human dignity. My work is best known for the 2015 undercover video series which documented Planned Parenthood’s highest-level leadership callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts. This reporting exposed illegal transfers of aborted human fetal tissue in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 289g-2. It involved coercion and abuse of pregnant patients through violations of informed consent laws, the use of illegal partial-birth abortions, and even infanticide in the trafficking of later gestation human fetuses for experimental use.
Meanwhile, as attorney general of California, Vice President Kamala Harris had my home raided to seize the videos, my means of publishing, and my attorney-client privileged communications — all of which her office appears to have immediately turned over to Planned Parenthood and NAF to help them win their civil lawsuits.
...But the more we learn, it increasingly seems like Planned Parenthood, NAF, and Kamala Harris’ abuses of power were not just about silencing me. They were also about obstruction of justice in fetal trafficking crimes.
Read more here:

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