Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The waiting is the hardest part

James Howard Kuntsler writes,
Ol’ Tom Petty sure got that right: the waiting is the hardest part. The lines are drawn: vaxed on one side and unvaxed on the other. Can it be that the unvaxed know rather specifically what the dangers of the vax actually are? That they are making a rational decision, taking a stand, against a toxic hacking of their immune systems and systemic damage to their organs? It’s not that hard to understand, after all. Those spike proteins can kill you, if not right away, then steadily, steadily over the weeks and months. So, now we’re left to wait as the light wanes and we slide into fretful darkness.
And can it be that the vaxed are so clue-deprived that they have not seen the news? Sure, information was suppressed pretty tightly for two years since this madness started, but the news media, turns out, is as leaky as the mRNA vaccines. If you were even moderately aware, you could discover that the vaxes create havoc in your bloodstream. It’s right ‘out there,’ documented and for real. But now, if you vaxed up, and you happened to snag a clue since then, you have a powerful incentive for denying that you might have made a mistake and acquired a serious problem. And you have a support group of about half the nation to reinforce that denial and even demonize those unvaxed who keep hectoring you with conspiracy theories. Hard to fathom how much you hate them for it.
The thundering question, of course, is: who exactly are the authorities behind all this Covid-19 mischief? I’d suggest if you find out who installed “Joe Biden” in the White House, and who is running him, you’d have a few clues. It kind of looks like they intend to kill a lot of people. Pretty soon we’ll have a fair idea of whether it worked or not as the micro blood clots accumulate in 100-million-odd human lab-rats here in America and many more millions around the world.
They’ve also poured enough sand into the engines of the global economy to put it out of business — and, of course, the US economy leads all that. No heat for you this winter as you sit around waiting to clot up and check out. The unvaxed are watching this go down, goggling in horror at the fantastic credulousness of the doomed Woke, the legions of Zombies who foolishly allied themselves with forces of genuine evil. They’ve been on their knees worshipping Dr. Fauci, the FBI, the CIA, “Joe Biden,” and Rachel Maddow and everybody else brandishing cattle-prods of coercion and propaganda at them. They followed their marching orders obediently, like good little boys and girls, and took their shots. The lines are drawn. Pushing the unvaxed further will avail nothing (except now maybe a mighty push back). Mulder was right: the truth is out there. Wait for it. (Yes, the waiting is the hardest part.)
Read more here: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/the-waiting-is-the-hardest-part/

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