Monday, September 13, 2021

The aggregate raging river of regulation!

Sundance goes long, looking at the deeper implications of the Covid regulations.
Remember, those who are working on this don’t care about the middle-class and they have not for decades. The visibility of the ‘rust belt’ is the reference. This is about government bureaucrats using their DC power-base to control trillions in economic value and sell their ability to influence the winners and losers to the highest foreign bidder.
Those behind the executive branch; those controlling Joe Biden; will harness and weaponize the power; a power dynamic created by fear. Meanwhile, the legislative leftists will attempt to ensure the new systems they create under the guise of COVID-19 are never in a position to be withdrawn.
The Fabian’s were always advocates for eugenics. The modern Fabian Society branches are located in The U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The Five-Eyes global intelligence network is also conspicuously an assembly of The U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Read many other thoughts here:
Commenter Auwtsnae writes, The globalists have been seeking an existential threat to justify the formation of an authority with global control, a one-world government. For years, they have been positioning the climate change hoax to be that “existential threat,” but it has been too slow in taking hold. Fear of the virus has given them the opportunity they were waiting for and they can’t afford to squander it.

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