Sunday, September 26, 2021

New York mandatory vaccine for teachers back on hold

Jazz Shaw reports on
the Tuesday mandatory vaccination deadline for teachers in New York City’s public school system. While as much as 90% of the teaching staff in the city reports being vaccinated, the school system is so large that there will still be thousands of teachers not in compliance. The unvaccinated staff would be given a choice of either resigning with severance pay or going on unpaid leave while still maintaining their healthcare benefits. Some of the larger schools were set to be missing more than 100 teachers on Tuesday morning.
As I immediately predicted, the teacher’s union wasn’t about to stand for that and they were going to court to demand that the deadline be pushed back. They received an immediate hearing from the Second Circuit and to the surprise of almost no one, they received an injunction blocking the deadline.
A hearing is set for Wednesday, at which point we should learn if a new deadline will be set or if the mandate will be scrapped or put on hold for a longer period of time. The suit was brought by a group of teachers and paraprofessionals who oppose the mandate and want an option for weekly COVID testing of unvaccinated teachers to be included.
Read more here:

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