Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Does America still work?

Victor Davis Hanson writes,
Once journalists became progressive poodles rather than the watchdogs of government, the Biden administration had no fear of audit. It took for granted that its disasters from the southern border to the chaos in Afghanistan would be excused by toady reporters.
Government-engineered ‘equity’ has replaced the goal of equal opportunity. But such utopianism birthed popular anger when personal initiative, excellence and performance do not count as much as virtue-signaling groupthink.
our top brass and functionaries talked of redirecting the military to every possible woke agenda — except ensuring military superiority and the safety of the United States.
The result is the horrific mess of a premodern Taliban army routing the most sophisticated military in the history of civilization. We shudder when America begs premodern tribes please not to murder our citizens whom we abandoned in full retreat.
Our airline CEOs vie to virtue signal their wokeness by damning voter ID laws — though such identification is required to board their own airplanes. As corporations preen to the media, their jet airliners lately don’t have enough fuel to reach their destinations. The new American airline normal is woke delays, woke cancellations and woke anarchy in the skies.
Until our officials can ensure a humane and sustainable standard of living, we have no business lecturing others abroad, much less conducting endless witch hunts of our own at home.
Read more here: https://spectatorworld.com/topic/america-still-work-woke-capitalism/

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