Monday, August 02, 2021

Do you meet the left's criteria to be considered an enemy of the state?

Susan Quinn asks herself if she is an enemy of the state. What are the criteria? She supported Trump. She is a Conservative and a Republican. She is Jewish. She is patriotic. She reads books by Conservative authors. She is anti-union. She is pro-gun ownership. Lastly, she ends with one final criterion
"She attacks the Biden administration and Joe Biden."
Her answer: I don’t do that in writing very much, because I’m not interested in writing about the obvious. Biden’s dementia is disturbing to me, and the lack of policies or the number of stupid policies that are dangerous to this country are alarming. I also write a great deal about the alarming transgender trend; the absurdity of the climate change claims; the distortions and misperceptions about the coronavirus; the foolish steps the government is taking to try to revitalize the Iran agreement; the disaster of the no border policy; the drive toward socialism; the lies being told about teaching Critical Race Theory—well, that should cover at least some of my writing rants. So, yes, guilty as charged, I guess.
Read the whole thing here:

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