Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Biden's hypocrisy about oil and gas production

Glenn Beaton asks,
Does Biden think American oil and gas pollute but OPEC oil and gas don't?
A decade ago, the EPA determined the Keystone Pipeline would produce “no adverse environmental” effects. But Joe “Follow-the-Science” Biden (does anyone seriously think Biden knows anything about science or bothers to follow it?) killed the pipeline hours after being sworn in last January.
OK, burning oil and gas has probably warmed the earth a degree or two. Or not. The science is not settled. The science is certainly not settled as to whether a degree or two would be a good thing or a bad thing. Bear in mind that for nearly all of earth’s history the temperature was much higher than it is now. That includes the last half billion years when sophisticated life evolved and the last few million years when that life evolved into humans.
It would not be unreasonable to conclude that a warmer earth is friendlier to life, including human life. Compare life in Antarctica with life in the Southeast Asia.
But here’s what is indeed illogical. Biden wants to end oil and gas production in America, but is fine with oil and gas production in Russia and in the OPEC countries. Regarding Russia, Biden has reversed longstanding U.S. opposition to a Russian gas pipeline to Germany, and is tamping down geopolitical objections in Ukraine. Regarding OPEC, the illogic is even worse. While decrying American oil and gas production, Biden’s people are jawboning OPEC to increase their production.
Read more here:

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