Saturday, August 21, 2021

Bias on both sides

I am beginning to think our side is every bit as biased as the Left.
Reporters rush toward Kamala Harris screaming questions at her. She says, "hold on, hold on" and cackles before stopping to carefully answer questions. What is wrong with laughing? Why do people hate her cackle? Isn't that better than Biden's angry replies?
When a CNN reporter actually does her job, reporting what she sees, we should appreciate it and applaud her courage to report what she sees, rather than sticking to a scripted narrative.
I have appreciated Tucker Carlson's calling out hypocrisy when he sees it, no matter how powerful the person he is criticizing. However, sometimes I disagree with Tucker's characterization of what the person is saying.
By the way, Tucker cackles often, and I like it!

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