Thursday, July 22, 2021

"It’s time to wake up and look at the road ahead."

Marilyn Singleton writes,
what we are witnessing has an uncanny similarity to the warning of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov.2 Foreshadowing President Obama’s dream to “fundamentally transform” America, Bezmenov describes the stages that occur over decades to accomplish “ideological subversion” of a population: (1) Demoralization through academic and media manipulation, when facts no longer matter; (2) Destabilization especially of the country’s economy, forcing government to become more intrusive in our lives through doling out financial benefits; (3) Crises that allow the government to circumvent the Constitution and alter the checks and balances of government, and possibly to impose martial law; (4) Normalization in which the populace finally acquiesces and begins to assimilate communism.
The Social Justice Warriors and their media allies are working furiously to transform our thinking about people with whom we have harmoniously lived, worked, and played for years. The term “white supremacist” formerly conjured up images of the hood-wearing, cross-burning Ku Klux Klansmen. Now the term applies to anyone with whom the Wokerati disagree, including those black and brown people who behaved badly by professing conservative values, i.e., “multiracial whiteness.” Further dividing us, the party line dictates that we condemn all white people for their “whiteness.” This includes attributes such as rugged individualism, family structure, emphasis on the scientific methods, Protestant work ethic, planning for the future, and speaking proper English.4 How interesting. These are all qualities my black parents had instilled in me.
Even mathematics is racist. For example, teachers asking students to show their work when solving math problems is a sign of white supremacy. According to class materials, this requirement reinforces “worship of the written word as well as paternalism” and wrong answers “perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.”5 Take heed. If even a small group of people can be convinced that math is racist, they can be convinced of anything.
Soon it became clear that lockdowns and isolation had caused more harm than good to the population and would likely lead to an increase in non-COVID-related deaths. A mere 2 months into the “2 weeks to flatten the curve” lockdown, liquor sales were up 55 percent.22 Anti-anxiety prescriptions were up 34 percent.23 Verifiable domestic violence doubled in 6 months.24 Some 80,000 diagnoses of five common cancers might have been missed or delayed by June 2020 because of disruptions to medical care.25 Moreover, despite increases in telemedicine, evaluations of cardiovascular risk factors have dropped by 50 percent.26
...Somehow President Biden is allowed to forgive Communist China for its atrocities (including rape and torture) against the Uighurs as mere different “cultural norms.”44 We cannot, however, understand or forgive the different cultural norms existing during the early times of American and European slavery.
Under the guise of seeking the truth on social media, Facebook’s and Twitter’s unidentified fact checkers brand opinions they do not like as misinformation, many times without explanation. YouTube scandalously deleted portions of videos of official U.S. Senate hearings discussing successful early treatment of COVID-19 from Senator Ron Johnson’s channel.48 And to add insult to injury, Facebook and Twitter offered the Biden White House assistance in removing what the tech overlords consider COVID-19 misinformation.49
Adding to the mental chaos, the experts told us life will come back to normal once we have vaccines. We have vaccines, but now are told that even if you are vaccinated, you should still wear a mask because it is not really a vaccine that keeps you from getting infected. Fear and anxiety make us easier to control.
According to the new Left’s ethnic worldview, all white people and certain black and brown people are white supremacists at heart. It is within the realm of possibility that soon anyone with a divergent opinion can somehow be shoe-horned into that toxic category.
We cannot allow COVID-19’s legacy to be the dawn of total government control not only over our health but our daily activities. We are kept guessing and off guard and in a state of chronic fear for our future health and our livelihoods. We have been reduced to pleading for permission to exercise our civil rights. We do not want to fall into the trap of becoming a purposefully balkanized society that pits black neighbor against white neighbor, the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, the masked against the unmasked, the compliant against the critical thinkers, and where “social distancing” becomes a habit.
Read more here:

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