Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What happened when Antifa and BLM rioted in D.C.?

Sundance writes,
In the bigger picture the intellectually honest will admit it is impossible for Antifa to exist if the institutions of the DOJ and FBI were functioning normally as part of the national law enforcement system.
A few dozen arrests for transparently obvious violence, combined with a few RICO cases against the financial systems that support Antifa, and the entire violent group and support network essentially disappears. Therefore, it is worth accepting the obvious…. The DOJ and FBI are part of the support structure that allows political violence to exist.
Actual, real-life, Domestic Violent Extremists called Black Lives Matter and Antifa, tried to burn Washington DC in the summer of 2020. Not a single arrest. Not one. Not a single public FBI tweet about “help us find those arsonists who attempted to burn St. John’s church”. Nothing.
The largest recent example was their operation(s) against presidential candidate Donald Trump. That campaign included 50 FBI agents later assigned to the Weissmann/Mueller operation to create an obstruction case against President Trump in order to remove him from office.
Read the whole thing here:

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