Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Postponing Freedom Day

Mark Steyn writes,
To our readers in the United Kingdom Happy Freedom Day! By proclamation of "Boris" Johnson (phoney name, phoney guy), today was supposed to mark the end of all lockdown restrictions in his benighted land. Unfortunately, freedom has had to be "postponed" until July 19th, supposedly because of the "Delta variant", which is puttering along nicely while the ChiComs fine-tune the Epsilon variant in time for its soft launch in Chad or Bolivia around July 12th.
On the surface, naming the day "Freedom Day" concedes the case of old Boris chums like Toby Young and James Delingpole that the year-plus lockdown is a massive unprecedented assault on free peoples' core freedoms. On the other hand, naming the day "Freedom Day" also reminds the masses that freedom is not an inalienable right but the gift of the state, and the state giveth and taketh away and in this third decade of the third millennium inclines more toward the latter.
The Fauci emails are fascinating because they reveal the corruption of the bureaucracy. We babes in the wood assume that when you want to infiltrate and compromise a government you try to wangle somebody into the laughably misnamed "intelligence community" - as Hillary did with dossier boy Christopher Steele. But the sophisticates in Beijing figured out the opportunities in infiltrating as boring a backwater as public health. The key revelation in the emails concern the bureaucracy's determination to quash any suggestion that Covid might have originated in the lab of their Chinese-controlled/US-funded friends - to the point where by last summer all meaningful investigation by the United States Government of the origin of an ongoing global pandemic had ceased ...because it was stymied not by the ChiComs but by US bureaucrats.
The alleged technocrats of today's permanent expert class seem to have made a cruder calculation - that China has already won, and there is nothing to be gained by offending or embarrassing our "global partners" in Wuhan. "Gain-of-function research" is a euphemism for biowarfare experimentation: If the Pentagon were running it, it would be one of those linguistic evasions that invite derision, like "collateral damage". It is the public health version of "rendition" - something outsourced to the other side of the map where the rules don't apply. The only question remaining is the precise moment at which Covid became bioterrorism: that's to say, even if its escape from the lab were an accident, at some point Chairman Xi concluded that, since it was out and about in the streets of Wuhan, maybe it could be weaponized - strategically, to accelerate the date at which China formally becomes the dominant power, and, as a short-term bonus, to teach Trump and the rest a lesson good and hard in the folly of starting a trade war with Beijing.
So, when China tears up its treaty with the UK on Hong Kong, Boris offers to move everyone in Hong Kong to the UK. Likewise, when China wages bio-economic war on the west, western leaders wage war on their own economies and their citizens' health. Any real Freedom Day is a long way away.
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