Saturday, May 01, 2021

"We are in desperate need of more courage from ordinary people. "

Deion Kathawa writes in American Greatness,
We are in desperate need of more courage from ordinary people.
An individual will for the foreseeable future, and as sure as the day is long, be denied access to a Delta flight, entry to Walmart to shop for groceries, or attendance at a Taylor Swift concert if they do not wear a mask—and probably also if they can’t prove they’ve been vaccinated. Anything controlled by woke corporations, whose reach has only increased over the years (and has accelerated since the pandemic crushed thousands and thousands of small businesses), will be paired with such slavish, ineffective, and performative “public health” protocols as a basic condition of access.
But a strong individual who stands up for what is right, alone, will be crushed by COVID, Inc. and left destitute; and besides, not even a Solzhenitsyn could bring down the Soviet Union alone—he had help from a literal saint (Pope John Paul II) and a U.S. president (Ronald Reagan).
Everyone needs to stand up for what is right. Without that, all is lost. But for what is right to win out in the end, those persons willing to stand for it need to band together in solidarity for protection and mutual support, and they need a leader to translate their hopes into concrete action. Sadly, at this time, there are precious few persons, and even fewer leaders, willing to do these things.
Until that changes, the masks will stay on—and for as long as the powers-that-be wish.
Read more here:

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