Thursday, May 27, 2021

A destructive stampede

In American reatness, Victor Davis Hanson writes,
...Before 2020, the American people tired of the media farces surrounding such events as the Duke lacrosse team, the lies about the Covington kids, and Jussie Smollett’s hoax about being attacked by white racists. Will they return to their earlier skepticism about media hype when it increasingly seems like the media and the government mostly lied when denying the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a Wuhan lab engaged in “gain-of-function” engineering of dangerous viruses?
Will people still believe that “armed insurrectionists” on January 6, 2021 planned a “coup” and killed officer Brian Sicknick? As the hysteria fades, we are learning there were no arms anywhere. No one has been charged with treason, conspiracy, or insurrection. There are no conspiracy kingpins in custody. And Sicknick tragically died a day later from natural causes.
By the end of the year, will the media-hungry Anthony Fauci still be a national icon, as the country finally adds up his contradictory communiqués that were constantly changing and often flat-out wrong, without ever apologizing for his deliberate misinformation?
But as Americans sober up, will they institutionalize or reject the frenzy remaining from the destructive stampede that took the country over the cliff during the most unhinged year in American history?
Read more here:

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