Tuesday, April 20, 2021

"Space to destroy!"

In the Conservative Treehouse Sundance writes,
From the moment representative James Clyburn aligned his AME church network with Barack Obama’s Chicago machine there was a strategy at work.
Clyburn uses the old-fashioned racial playbook through the AME church network. The AME network includes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Meanwhile Obama historically used the modern race-based network: the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party. The NoI and NBPP are also allied with DNC Chairman Tom Perez.
Tom Perez was the head of the DOJ Civil Rights Division… which is not coincidental because the election of 2020 is the second time both networks have merged upon, and attempted to activate, the Black Lives Matter crowd. The first time they merged was in Orlando and Miami during the 2012 “Justice for Trayvon” movement.
Black Lives Matter came out of the organization known as “The Dream Defenders”. The defenders were the younger generational version of the civil rights AME network.
In 2012/2013 President Obama and Tom Perez were able to blend the Dream Defenders into an alignment with Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam, and the New Black Panther Party.
As an outcome of a more bitter ideology, the Dream Defenders became more antagonistic and combative when they launched the rebranded version, ‘Black Lives Matter’.
The newly blended Black Lives Matter network had their first heavy visibility with the “Justice for Mike Brown” movement that destroyed Ferguson, Missouri.
After the Mike Brown pretense collapsed the BLM group moved to Baltimore to exploit the false narrative that surrounded the death of Freddie Gray.
Baltimore was then set ablaze with the leadership of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who famously said it was important to give the riot crowd “space to destroy.”
...Fast forward to just before Super Tuesday 2020. Bernie Sanders has momentum, and is about to become unstoppable. Bernie was a threat to remove DNC leadership power the same way Trump removed RNC party power in 2016.
Party power is money; billions from the big club at stake. Now we see why it was critical for Team Obama (BLM) and the AME team to unite quickly that Super-Tuesday weekend; which is exactly what they did.
While James Clyburn quickly notified the AME network, former President Barack Obama activated his control over the DNC network; and signaled to all other primary candidates they needed to drop out in a designed sequence. The DNC Club made offers they could not refuse. Remember, club rules.
The message from James Clyburn to DNC Chairman Tom Perez, and by extension to Barack Obama, was really simple: without me you would have been dealing with Bernie Sanders, and the DNC would be on the brink of disassembly… so ‘take a knee.’
Obama doesn’t care so long as the larger goals are achieved. Advance radical leftist policies, destroy the American capitalistic system and fundamentally change the United States by diminishing it, while simultaneously keeping all the wealth under the control of an elite group of aligned interests.
That’s the longer term goal.
Now we watch Minneapolis for what comes next….

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