Thursday, April 15, 2021

Off to the camps!

Commenters at Ace of Spades are wondering how long it will be before "conservative" or "Christian" get defined as "mental illness." Or, is it already happening with "Red Flag" laws? Commenter Hogmartin writes,
"Define conservatism as a mental disorder, and we are off to the camps." They can do remote diagnoses these days without even interviewing the patient. Or so I gather, from the number of licensed psychiatrists or psychologists who diagnosed Trump with everything in the DSM just by shrieking in incoherent rage at his image on their TV screens and then reporting the diagnoses as guests on network 'news' shows.
Commenter Christopher Taylor writes,
...Whether its genetic treatments to "fix" your broken brain that rejects leftist trash, or the declaration that you're broken and need to be separated from society for the good of us all, the end result is the same.
All it would take is showing the demonstrably provable truth that we are different than them at a mental level, combined with a popular movement that portrays this "different" as "evil"
Oh wait, yeah we already have that today.
Today in the Federalist Edie Heipel reports,
Last week, legal accountability group Judicial Watch dropped a bombshell: a nearly 600-page report proving the U.S. government has been buying and trafficking “fresh” aborted baby body parts. These body parts, purchased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “humanize” mice and test biologic drugs in scientific experiments, came from babies up to 24-weeks-old gestation, just weeks from being born.
Read much more here:

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