Friday, April 30, 2021

Maybe Biden is right about the threat of white supremacy!

Bookworm writes,
...Biden is also imposing an extremist leftist agenda by executive fiat. All of the racial changes in America in the past 100 days have come, not from Congress, but from Biden’s pen. It’s Biden’s pen that has destroyed America’s border, Biden’s pen that is inviting mentally ill men into women-only enclaves, Biden’s pen that is turning America into a country in which the law is applied unequally based on race, and Biden’s pen that raised fuel prices and instantly destroyed over 10,000 jobs. Meanwhile, Biden’s big mouth is bringing us close to a shooting war with Russia and stirring up racial divisions across America.
In sum, Biden is White and, currently, his power is supreme because the Deep State will carry out all of his extremist edicts. We can carry this definition even further by noting that the most powerful woman in America (and no, it’s not Kamala, at least not yet) is also white, very, very white:
In other words, what we’re witnessing is a White Supremacist government in America and it is indeed the greatest threat we have ever faced, not just since the Civil War, but since the early days of the American Revolution, when it looked as if the British would destroy the Continental Army and hang every one of the men we now revere as America’s Founding Fathers. The new Democrat White supremacist movement, like its forebearers in the eugenics movement, the KKK, and Jim Crow politics, believes that the way to maintain unlimited power is to use a hierarchy of racial classifications that overrides the constitutional rights inherent in all American citizens.
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