Sunday, April 25, 2021

Justice? Who are you kidding?

In Town Hall, Wayne Allyn Root writes,
That jury was always going to convict Derek Chauvin of all charges, because it was THEIR lives on the line. They knew that if were to acquit Chauvin or convict him of lesser charges, they might never make it home, or the courthouse may have burned down with them inside it, or they might have had to leave the courthouse wearing bulletproof vests and be escorted home by a SWAT team and the National Guard.
Their lives would effectively be over. Best-case scenario, none of them would ever work again. No company could afford to keep them employed. Their children's lives at school would be ruined. They would need police cars stationed outside their homes day and night. They'd never be safe again.
This is America in 2021. Mob justice rules. Police officers can't do their jobs. They have to be paralyzed with fear. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't. They must be afraid to get out of their cars. It's no surprise they're retiring and quitting in record numbers. They know no police officer will be able to get a fair trial ever again.
The next time you call the police in an emergency, understand why the officers may not be coming: There may not be any left.
Read more here:

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