Friday, March 26, 2021

Who is the most unpopular?

Writing in the American Thinker, Charles Sullivan alleges that Michelle Lujan Grisham, the Governor of New Mexico, is
the most disliked woman in the state.
Despite no statistical correlation between the severity of a state’s lockdown and Wuhan virus deaths per million, Ms. Grisham has imposed some of the most severe restrictions in the country on New Mexicans including: state university sports teams not even being permitted to practice in state; state university sports teams not permitted to play any games in state; all high school sports shut down; New Mexicans traveling outside the state were supposed to self-quarantine for two weeks upon return; the same for travelers coming into New Mexico (which devastated the tourism industry); bars have been closed since March of 2020; in-person learning shut down for K-12 schools, and a total indoor restaurant dining ban for months.
Despite the brutal conditions imposed on the hoi polloi, Grisham, like some other blue-state governors, has a different standard for herself. In April of 2020 when all nonessential businesses were shut down, she was somehow able to purchase and get delivered expensive jewelry. A review of her discretionary fund found many questionable charges billed to the state, including a bill for construction of a doggie door; cleaning expenses for dog urine on rugs and large expenditures for alcohol and expensive food when the state had severe limits on group gatherings. When questioned about these matters the governor directed a representative to respond on her behalf.
Read more here.

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