Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Crooks and liars, bereft of principles, but he thinks we'll be okay!

When it was OK to be racist, Biden was as big a racist as America has seen since the Ku Klux Klan Democrat of West Virginia, U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd. Biden bragged proudly of Delaware’s slavery past and was buddies with the Confederacy’s strongest Dixiecrats. Later, when racism became politically unpopular, Biden started trying to angle out of racism, but his lifetime of bigotry regularly slips out: 7-Elevens as the sanctuary of Pakistanis and Indo-Asians, Blacks as naturally poor and illiterate, Blacks incapable of thinking outside of a single framework, if you don’t vote for me you ain’t Black. Biden was racist when racism among Democrats was very cool.
He has no values. He is the quintessential politician: lick the finger, put it to the wind, and follow the direction. When Democrats opposed massive illegal immigration of cheap labor from South America because it drive down wages, imperiling the sustenance of Democrat core constituencies — White union workers in the north and Black and Hispanic day laborers in the south who were here legally — Biden opposed it. When Democrats figured out from examples in New Mexico and spreading to California, that massive illegal immigration actually is fabulous because it turns Republican states to Democrat without endangering Black support for Democrats, because Blacks are in their pockets anyway, he became pro–illegal immigration.
Through the past half century, no president really has kept us down for too long. We did fine under Kennedy, and we did fine under Johnson. Nixon proved far less conservative than he said he would be, and Ford was a caretaker. We did stumble terribly under Carter, but Reagan brought us back soon enough. The Bushes were neither here nor there. While Clinton was busy fooling around with women and his wife was cheating in her own corrupt ways, America still did fine as Silicon Valley emerged. Obama did everything possible to suppress growth and economic strength, to crush the creative, and to redistribute wealth, but there remained a repository of greatness and ingenuity that he could not stop, as his efforts to kill the oil-and-gas industry were confounded by advances in hydraulic fracturing. And then came Trump, the cure to Obama, who built the strongest economy in American history until felled by a once-in-a-century plague and pandemic.
We will be OK. We could have been ever so much greater because we were on that path, and four more years of Trump would have resulted in some great policies becoming more firmly entrenched. But Americans did not deserve it because Americans, despite having the opportunity, did not do as Americans could have. So we take a step or two back. Our economy gets bruised. Jobs and industries get lost to China. Our culture gets further corrupted. And we prepare for our next peaceful and law-abiding revolution. It all will happen, with but one caveat: we have to put an end to mass unsolicited mail balloting. We can overcome each and every other corruption at the ballot box, but we cannot overcome the corruption that inheres in mass unsolicited mail-in balloting unless we have an advantage of at least 3 to 5 percentage points in the balloting. In 2022 we may even have that, but it is not worth risking.
In the meantime, we are going to be OK. The riding will be unnecessarily rougher than it had to be, and we will lose out what we could have had. But we will be OK. Everyone but Blacks does well under Democrats because, outside of election time, for Democrats Black Lives Never Matter.
Read more here.

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