Thursday, January 28, 2021

"The biggest eye-opening series of events in financial history."

In the Last Refuge, Sundance notes that the events surrounding the stock trading in Gamestock produced the biggest eye-opening series of events in financial history.
♦ First Big Tech jumped-in to protect the hedgefunds. The servers that handled Reddit’s investor discussion “WallStreetBets” were shut down, essentially trying to break down the communication of the rebel alliance. They used the oft-familiar “hate speech” justification, but that was really a ruse… Big Tech was supporting Wall Street.
♦ Then the New York Stock exchange stepped-in to protect the hedgefunds by blocking trades of GameStop and other Reddit targeted stocks (Nokia, Blackberry, AMC theaters). Ameritrade also blocked any trades. The NYSE was essentially trying to protect the institutional investors, billionaires, from the citizens, independent investors. Wall Street went to war against day-traders, ordinary Americans.
♦ Then the stock trading App “Robinhood” which was used by the citizens to make their trades, actually stepped-in to stop users from purchasing GameStop shares. The Robinhood app will now only allow sales of GME and the other stocks because the app is protecting the billionaire class from their short position.
Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, the entire financial trading system is trying to protect the short-sellers by driving down the shares of stocks so that the short-sellers can get out of their positions. Never has there been such blatant market manipulation by the organized efforts of the elite financial class.
Big Tech and Wall Street are working together to keep a rigged system tilted in their favor and their aligned efforts are spotlighting just how rigged that system is. The elites don’t care what happens to the ordinary citizens in the stock market… they are protecting their own status. All of this is brutally illegal market manipulation and collusion by the financial sector.

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