Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Tweets and quotes of note

Glenn Reynolds wrote in Instapundit,
EVOLUTION OF AN ARGUMENT, VIA A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK: “There is no evidence of election fraud!” “There is no evidence of widespread election fraud!” “There is no evidence that any fraud would have changed the results!” Next: “Any evidence that might have existed was lost in our totally accidental server outage / flood / fire / dragon attack / interdimensional rift opening.”
Emerald Robinson tweeted,
Sidney Powell says that a Dominion server in Fulton County GA has been removed and is now missing. Nobody seems to know where it went.
Glenn Reynolds wrote in Instapundit,
GOALPOSTS, MOVED? Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Progression: No voter fraud. No widespread voter fraud. Now, no widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election. Will Barr prosecute the widespread fraud that wouldn’t change the outcome of the election, or nah? Meanwhile if, as the Associated Press flat out claims, Trump is just making up claims of fraud, shouldn’t they be in favor of a deep and far-reaching audit to show just how crazy he is?

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