Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Figuring out what's happening in the world!

Scott Adams tweeted,
Am I the only one predicting that election fraud will (eventually) be proven at a level we can be confident changed the outcome while also predicting Biden will take the job anyway?
Play The Trump Card Legal Votes Only Please tweeted,
Without 1 shred of actual evidence that @realDonaldTrump did anything wrong, the DOJ went ballistic on him. Did a Normandy invasion on Roger Stone. Collected every byte of data from anyone associated. Now 100's of witnesses detailing vote fraud, & DOJ sees nothing. get it?
Jenna Ellis tweeted,
Between Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan hearings alone, DOZENS of witnesses have come forward testifying to their first-hand accounts of the corruption and fraud in this election. None of these states can move forward in good faith with their false certifications.
Dinesh D'Souza tweeted,
We live in a peculiar era in which most of what’s on the news isn’t news at all, and most of the news isn’t covered at all. We’re largely on our own in figuring out what’s happening in the world

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