Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What they wrote and said

Glenn Reynolds wrote in Instapundit,
Under Trump, pre-pandemic, blacks and hispanics were doing the best ever. Democratic lockdowns fixed that.
Glenn Reynolds wrote in Instapundit,
NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: China is practicing unleashing swarms of suicide drones packed with explosives from the backs of trucks.
In the San Francisco Chronicle, a parent named Jonathan Alloy observed,
“We’re not actually helping disadvantaged children by changing the name of the school they can’t attend.”
Jenna Ellis tweeted,
Big Tech is brazen now with political bias and election interference because they know any legal or legislative action taken won’t have any effect until after November 3. They don’t care about the outcome of lawsuits. They care about the outcome of elections.
Stephen Green writes in Insanity Wrap,
If the Democrats win, Twitter and Facebook will enjoy continued immunity and protection under Section 230 of the CDA — and enjoy an enlarged role as the social media arm of the Left’s 24/7/365 propaganda machine.
CBD writes in the Ace of Spades blog,
When all are equal; when the only standard is existence, society will find a way to differentiate. Socialism does it quite ruthlessly, only instead of selecting for excellence they select for political reliability and slavish adherence to orthodoxy, and intellect be damned.

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