Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tweets and quotes tonight from the good guys and gals

Catturd tweeted,
3 debates were planned this year - with 3 Trump-hating moderators. And the RNC didn’t say a word.
The Last Refuge tweeted,
ormer President Obama knows exactly what evidence exists against Biden. That's the point. That's the plan. Install Biden/Harris then team Obama give the word to their allies in media, stop protecting, release the evidence and remove Biden. It's the Chicago way.
In the Last Refuge, Sundance asks,
How long has the DC administrative state, the Deep State and the larger intelligence community, been selecting U.S. candidates for the office of the presidency?
Eric Trump tweeted,
. @Twitter has just suspended Charlie Kirk
Wayne Allyn Root tweeted,
BREAKING NEWS. My sources- as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter's laptops TODAY. Just told me point rumor...they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children...Chinese govt has the same videos...Biden is compromised. Blackmailed. Can NEVER be Prez.
Donald Trump Jr. tweeted,
Twitter has been throttling my reach and I’m getting 1/3 the amount of RTs I would normally get. Instagram is doing the same & worse for the last few days. I guess they don’t want the truth about the Biden crime family out there and they will cover for them at all costs.

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