Monday, October 26, 2020

"the presidential candidacy of Joseph Robinette Biden represents the gravest of national security threats to the United States of America."

In American Greatness, Sebastian Gorka writes,
...But it’s not the prostitutes, the drugs, the money, or the bribery that are the real issues here. The crisis comes from the greatest source of the monies involved. Hunter Biden and the Bidens received millions from the Ukraine, millions from Russia, and millions even from Iraq. But they received more than $1 billion from our greatest enemy, Communist China.
China isn’t just another country. It isn’t our ally, our friend, or even our “competitor.” It is a nation that has vowed to replace America as the most powerful nation in the world. It has declared its plan to do so under its “Belt and Road Initiative,” and it has even revealed the unconventional forms of attack and subversion it is using to do so under the banner of “Unrestricted Warfare.”
Now, the government of our most strategically significant adversary is on the cusp of potentially seeing a man who they have essentially “bought” take the White House, a man whose family has been enriched with blood money generated by a regime that still maintains labor camps and where the one-party system crushes or “disappears” anyone who dissents.
As such, the presidential candidacy of Joseph Robinette Biden represents the gravest of national security threats to the United States of America. November 3 is not just an election, it is our last chance as Americans to prevent our gravest enemy from achieving its greatest victory.
Read more here.

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