Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Gems from the Ace of Spades blog today

CBD wrote in the Ace of Spades blog,
...Sports is still important, but its joys can be captured on a Little League field or a Pee-Wee hockey rink or during a pick-up basketball game. We simply don't need the ills of the larger world on the field. The games are enough!
On Twitter, Jonah Goldberg was opining that he thought Trump was behind by double digits. In the Ace of Spades blog, Weird Dave asked him,
Why? Serious question. Except for the polls, exactly what other metric makes you think that it's likely that Trump is down double digits? Voter enthusiasm? Rallies? Yard signs? Party registrations? Volunteers? Small donor donations? This is a serious question. I'm not discounting the polls, but if they didn't exist, what exactly would you point at and say "See? Biden's obviously up by 10 or more"? I've been thinking about this for a while, & I got nuthin'. You're the professional pundit, what am I missing?
JJ Sefton wrote this about the Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
From the so-called "social issues" to issues central to the Bill of Rights, in all but the bluest of blue states, Democrats could never win an election by openly and honestly running on that platform. They rely on both the unelected fourth branch of government - the bureaucracy - to issue regulations that have the force of law and when ultimately challenged in the court, a cadre of judges to carve them in stone for all time, no matter how blatantly unconstitutional they might be.
JJ Sefton wrote,
The central tenet of the Democrat Party is a vast, centralized, all-powerful state that grants or takes away an individual's rights as it deems fit. This is known in the trade as "tyranny." The seating of Amy Coney Barrett would most certainly challenge if not seriously impede that for decades to come -- at least if President Trump prevails three weeks from today (wow).
Ace of Spades wrote,
But the dominant leftwing culture decided that being "triggered" and having bizarre childlike tantrums over everything was somehow virtuous, and so they began teaching children and young adults that it was healthy and noble to start quivering and shrieking any time you saw something you didn't like. And thereby: Our dominant culture stopped reigning people in from mental illness, and started instead affirmatively training people to be mentally ill, and to in fact cultivate mental illness the way one might cultivate a wine connoisseurship or gourmet's palate -- cultivating aspects of insanity as a badge of cultural prestige.

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