Friday, October 23, 2020

"Credible," and "super precedent"

Oregon Muse wrote in the Ace of Spades blog,
Because they don't like to be challenged on, or criticized for, any of their bullshit. It's why they parade Greta Thunberg around as a climate change expert. If someone points out that she doesn't know what she's talking about, the response is "how dare you denigrate a child, you monster?". Progressives use children like terrorists do, as human shields. They need them to hide their mediocrity.
Just as, during the Kavanaugh hearings, they always insisted that Ford made "credible accusations". The extra adjective is important Because if it's just a standard, garden-variety accusation, it's just an alleged accusation. The addition of "credible" was meant to short-circuit any possible objection, to proceed directly to the guilty verdict without having to go through the messy complications of an actual trial.
Hereafter, all progressive accusations of sexual misconduct will be deemed "credible."
And I think they're going grab onto "super precedent" and do the same sort of thing with it. They will recognize it as a weapon they can use to put their policies beyond any challenge, criticism, change, or appeal. Every time they win an important case, bang, they'll call it a "super precedent." Because what's theirs is theirs and what's ours is up for grabs. It's actually kind of like radical Islam dividing the world between the House of Faith, anc the House of War. And with both radical Islam and the religion of progressivism, we all of us here are living in the house of war.
Read more here.

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