Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Both a shield and a cudgel!

Once again this morning, JJ Sefton has nailed it in his Morning Report in the Ace of Spades blog.
As I will say unto my dying breath, we cannot win a political and/or legal battle against an enemy that alternately uses our laws and traditions as both a shield and a cudgel. With my penultimate breath, how is it that George Soros is not dangling from the wrong end of a rope either in Hungary or Malaysia and his assets seized, the bulk of which are being used to fuel the slow poison of anti-American propaganda in our schools, psycho Marxist radicals in crucial law enforcement and political offices, as well as armed insurrection in our streets. And not just Soros; there are scores of others like him with deep pockets fueling our destruction as well who need to be eradicated, rhetorically speaking of course (nudge-nudge wink-wink).
There is much more spot on commentary here.

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