Monday, September 21, 2020

"The Right needs to figure out who its friends are, play to win, and devote its energies to community-wide organizing that goes beyond electoral politics."

In American Greatness, Christopher Roach has written an excellent article on the challenges faced by conservatives in America.
For many years, conservative energy has been channeled into a Republican Party that conducted, at best, a fighting retreat. In the meantime, the private sector, institutions of culture like universities and public schools, the courts, social media, and now financial institutions have become more uniformly hostile to middle America and its interests.
...It turns out the support for free-speech was abandoned once the radicals gained control of big business, social media, and the instruments of state. ...Principle without power is merely a list of words on paper. ...Draconian local authorities have converted a manageable public health problem into outright murder of the private-sector economy.
In short, the putative champion of the nationalist right, Donald Trump, has only limited power. His efforts to do good frequently have been parried by his enemies within the government. Even if he were completely effective, he only has, at most, one more term. Waiting in the wings are the courts, the Congress, new Americans, and the brainwashed graduates of our schools. These all stand in solidarity with billionaire donors and trillion-dollar corporations to wreck what is left of traditional America.
...“We have to give them something or they’ll do even worse” is the basic message. Thus, billionaires, the FBI, U.S. senators, and CNN find themselves on the same side as ex-convict agitators and other dropouts. ...In short, the Right needs to figure out who its friends are, play to win, and devote its energies to community-wide organizing that goes beyond electoral politics.
Read it all here.

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