Friday, September 11, 2020

Now a peace deal between Bahrain and Israel!

Ace of Spades reports,
Trump Announces Peace Deal Between Bahrain and Israel, Too
I've mentioned before: the two coalitions fighting in the Middle East is are Iran and Turkey and Qatar (and Syria) on one side, and Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States of Bahrain and UAE, plus Israel, on the other side.

When the leftist propaganda media attempts to split the US from Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Israel -- no matter what you might think of them -- they're doing that because Obama had decided that the US should back the terrorist theocracy of Iran.

The media pumps out negative information ops against Saudi Arabia and covers up for Iran because they're trying to deliver the Middle East to Iran.

Because Obama likes the terrorist theocracy of Iran. He thinks they'd be good stewards of the Middle East.

Now, while this has been true for years, it has been true covertly. It's been an open secret -- but still a secret.

Now comes the breakthrough of the Gulf States openly declaring peace and normalization of economic relations with Israel.
Read more here.

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