Wednesday, September 02, 2020

More tweets from the good guys tonight

Red Nation Rising tweeted,
Multiple protests are being organized tonight in DC.. calling for FULL mobilization.

Where is the National Guard?

Steven Nelson tweeted,
SCOOP: President Trump has signed a memo ordering federal agencies to defund 'anarchist jurisdictions'

Agencies must report to OMB funds that can be taken from NYC, DC, Portland and Seattle

Red Nation Rising tweeted,
I wish everyone was as afraid of losing their freedom as they are afraid of a virus with a 99.4% survival rate.

Jesse Kelly tweeted,
Nancy Pelosi could drunkenly run over a group of school kids and she’d sue their parents by that afternoon. And probably bring a bill to the House floor blaming Republicans.

And you’d have Republicans signing on to the bill.

Nancy Pelosi understands the game. Play to win.

Dr. Gene Lingerfelt tweeted,
Wearing a mask to get inside a restaurant just to take it off to eat has GOT to be the stupidest regulation ever invented by man.

Politicians have got to be the dumbest segment of society, or, they’re nothing but control freak sociopaths.

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