Friday, September 25, 2020

Interesting tweets today

thebradfordfile tweeted,
Barack Obama not only spied on Trump, he used a Russian spy. They impeached the wrong guy!
Amber Athey tweeted,
Joe Biden has called nine early press lids in September. I did the math, and he spends fewer hours on the campaign trail than the average US full-time employee works. Not good for someone applying for the most demanding job in the world.
Candace Owens tweeted,
Anybody have time to explain to me how arsonists setting trees on fire to ignite wildfires in California, somehow translates to climate change and Trump? I’m not dumb enough to comprehend.
David Harsanyi tweeted,
Reporters now complaining that DOJ is releasing too much information. Completely normal.
Newt Gingrich tweeted,
You can “throw a lid” on campaigning for 7 out of 14 days but if you become President you can’t “throw a lid” on being President for even one hour. What does the 50% absenteeism Biden schedule tell us about his ability to actually be President?
false flag tweeted,
If Kamala Harris says she’s not responsible for her grandfather owning “slaves”, then why should any of us be?
Rupali Chadha, M.D. tweeted,
Obama is to campaign with Harris... where is Biden? As an expert on dementia, I’m happy to administer cognitive screening on any Presidential candidate on either side of the aisle...

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