Thursday, September 24, 2020

Important tweets today

Cheryl won't mask up Gosa Grey tweeted,
I'll probably be in an upcoming video, though I hope not. I have not worn a mask, nor will I. “The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Kevin McCarthy tweeted,
If Nancy Pelosi tries to impeach President Trump for appointing a Supreme Court Justice—as the Constitution requires him to do—we will take steps to remove her as Speaker.
Kaya Jones tweeted,
Why do we fight terrorists in other countries but let them run free here?
Ian Brown tweeted,
A survival rate of 99.9% and they are into our work life home life social life school life love life garden, back yard your body your wife and kids bodies AND THATS OK?
thebradfordfile tweeted,
How many more years will there be “newly released” Strzok and Page texts before they are indicted?
House Ag GOP tweeted,
The fires in California have already burned over 3.7 million acres of land and have generated more than 91 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is about 25% more than California’s annual emissions from fossil fuels. This could be avoided with proper forest management.

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