Friday, August 21, 2020

Tweets and quotes today

Donald J. Trump tweeted,
In 47 years, Joe did none of the things of which he now speaks. He will never change, just words!

Libtard destroyer commented in Breitbart,
I might also add the idiots at the gas station wearing masks but at the same time touching the filthy pump nozzles with their bare hands then touching the car door handle, then their cell phone, face and steering wheel with those same dirty hands. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Tracy Walls commented in Breitbart,
No mask and no gloves for me... I never wore them before and will not now. I want my body to fight off the germs - not stop them from entering my body. It's called "building immunity". TRUMP 2020!

Joe Biden said in his acceptance speech last night,
“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they are outside for the next three months at a minimum,” Biden said.

Ryan Fournier tweeted,
The DNC allowed Donna Hylton to speak.

Donna kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered a 62-year-old businessman in 1985.

This is vile, disgusting, and represents every reason why I’ll never vote Democrat.

Red Nation Rising tweeted,
Who endorses Joe Biden for President?

George Soros
Deep State
Illegal aliens
Sexual predators
Drug dealers
Obama judges

Feel free to add to this list

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